Decision Making
Please select how many errors were made by this umpire
Correct set play positioning - Goals
Correct set play positioning - Center Bounces
Correct set play positioning - Free Kicks
Correct set play positioning - Set Shots
Correct set play positioning - Ball Ups
Correct set play positioning - 50m penalty
3 umpire specific positions; set shots (position in 60m from goal), centre bounce
Correct decision making position, being at least 1.5 kicks away from potential decisional scenarios and having clear view of boundary line
Achieves position at the behind post at the correct time, not hitting the post until required (play being within scoring range)
Correct physical stance on post (behind post to be able to read flight of ball)
Anticipation of play
Proactive anticipation of play, not being reactive to transitional phases of play - Free Kicks
Proactive anticipation of play, not being reactive to transitional phases of play - Turnovers
Proactive anticipation of play, not being reactive to transitional phases of play - Clearances
Proactive anticipation of play, not being reactive to transitional phases of play - Marks
Proactive anticipation of play, not being reactive to transitional phases of play - Switches in play
Proactive anticipation of play, not being reactive to transitional phases of play - Play exiting defensive 50 / entering attacking 50
Creates “safe working distance” from acts of play within 10m of boundary line. SWD = 1.5 kicks away from any given act of play within 10m of line
Boundary Specific Skills
Throw-ins: 15-18m of distance
Throw-ins: ball lands within a 2m circle of the initial drop zone
Throw-ins: ball drops between 90% & 120% of the ruck man (12 to 2 o’clock)
Effective communication of change over
Effective communication with other disciplines
Effective communication with players
Provides assistance on run throughs and handover throws
Did the umpire demonstrate positive engagement with the panel?
Was the umpire professional, coachable and did they show a good attitude?
Correct Presentation and arrival time